Arkansas Florist Wholesalers

Below, you will find a list of florist wholesalers that are located in the state of Arkansas. We hope this will be useful for those in the floral industry to help provide the best options and prices for quality fresh cut flowers, floral supplies, plants and more.

Parsons Wholesale Florist, Inc.
200 W Mulberry Street – Searcy, AR 72143

United Wholesale Florist, LLC
1501 South Garfield – Little Rock, AR 72204

Pyramid Wholesale Florist
616 W Kings Highway – Paragould, AR 72450
Fax: 714-966-2842

River Valley Floral Distributor
6301 Prairie Drive – Fort Smith, AR 72916

Southern Wholesale Florist
7501 Fluid Drive – Little Rock, AR 72206

Union Wholesale Floral Supply, Inc.
2100 Smackover Highway – El Dorado, AR 71730

United Wholesale Florist, LLC
204 Executive Court Suite 207 – Little Rock, AR 72205