By using the website or signing up or using any of the services of Terra Forma Inc. (“Floranext”), the Floranext user (“you”) is agreeing to be bound by the following Merchant Services Agreement (“Terms”).
Floranext is not a payment processor and does not store credit card information. Any payment disputes, processing failures, or fraud prevention measures must be handled directly with your chosen the payment provider.
1.1 PCI Compliance
Depending on your merchant account provider your shop may be required to complete a PCI Compliance questionnaire and scan, with an occasional email survey. These items are provided and sent by your merchant account provider, not Floranext.
Any PCI compliance questionnaires or scans that may be required by your chosen merchant account provider are your responsibility to complete. Floranext requires the use of a payment gateway to securely transmit credit cards to merchant account providers to meet PCI Compliance standards. Payment gateway setup can be facilitated by Floranext but is your responsibility to ensure setup and any other fees required.
1.2 Stripe
Floranext can be connected to your Stripe account to allow payments to be accepted on your Stripe account. It is your responsibility to address issues including, but not limited to, disputes, security rules, and business settings. Please contact your Onboarding Representative to discuss pricing, compatibility, and setup needs.
Maintaining access to your Stripe login and account, including your password, 2-factor authentication, and backup codes is your exclusive responsibility. For security, Floranext cannot help with login issues with Stripe. Any login needs to be handled with Stripe support directly.
1.3 USAePay
Floranext can also be connected to your merchant account provider’s credit card processing services via a USAePay gateway. Please contact your Onboarding Representative to discuss pricing, compatibility, and setup needs.
1.4 Taxes and Other Expenses
You are solely responsible for determining what, if any, taxes or fees (“Taxes”) apply to your Transactions; and assessing, collecting, reporting, or remitting Taxes to the appropriate tax authority. We are not obligated to nor will we determine the applicability of any Taxes, or calculate, collect, report, or remit any Taxes to any tax authority arising from any Transaction
1.5 Chargebacks & Fraudulent Orders
Floranext acknowledges the possibility of chargebacks initiated by customers or financial institutions, but it is important to clarify that Floranext is not liable for the reimbursement of funds in the event of a chargeback. We do not assume responsibility for investigating chargeback claims or representing customers in such matters. Chargebacks typically involve disputes or concerns related to a specific transaction, and it is the responsibility of the customer to address these issues directly with their financial institution or card issuer.
Floranext further acknowledges the possibility of fraudulent credit card transactions, but it is important to clarify that Floranext is not liable for the reimbursement of funds in the event of chargeback or refunds due to fraud. We do not assume responsibility for investigating chargeback claims or representing customers in such matters. It is fully your responsibility to ensure that the gateway and merchant account that you choose has enabled fraud detection and fraud protection. For this reason, Floranext strongly encourages the use of the Stripe Credit Card processing, which automatically enables fraud detection to minimize, but not fully eliminate, the likelihood of fraudulent transactions.
1.6 Credit Card Surcharge
You are solely responsible for settings related to credit card surcharge and to determining the legality of any applied credit card surcharge that may be applied to transactions.