Below, you will find a list of florist wholesalers that are located in the state of Mississippi. We hope this will be useful for those in the floral industry to help provide the best options and prices for quality fresh cut flowers, floral supplies, plants and more.
Central MS Wholesale Florist
206 West Rankin Street – Jackson, MS 39201
J & J Wholesale Florist
PO Box 4014 – Meridian, MS 39304
Oscar G Carlstedt Co.
110 E Michigan Avenue – McComb, MS 39648
The Flower House Wholesale
116 Cypress Cove – Flowood, MS 48174
Tremont Floral Supply
P O Box 37 – Tremont, MS 38876
United Wholesale Florist
2107 Wightman Street – Jackson, MS 39202
United Wholesale Florist
507 Pegram Drive – Tupelo, MS 38801
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