Below, you will find a list of florist wholesalers that are located in the state of Washington. We hope this will be useful for those in the floral industry to help provide the best options and prices for quality fresh cut flowers, floral supplies, plants and more.
Cascade Wholesale
2410 – 38th St – Everett, WA 98201
DWF Wholesale Florist
7327 South 228th Street -Kent, WA 98032
Floral Supply Syndicate
963 Mercer Street – Seattle, WA 98109
Hiawatha Evergreens
681 E. Johns Prairie Rd. – Shelton, Washington 98584
Lake Union Wholesale
414 Boren Ave – N Seattle, WA 98109
Pacific Wholesale Florists
1805 E. Trent Ave. – Spokane, WA 9920
Roses and More
24 West Second Avenue – Spokane, WA 99201
Sound Floral Supply
3815 S Cedar – Tacoma, WA 98409
Washington Floral Service
2701 S 35th Street – Tacoma, WA 9879
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