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Florists, You Made It! 2018 Valentine’s Day Results

Posted on February 28th, 2018

The Results Are In!
Floranext Valentine’s Day 2018 Survey Results

Thank you all for participating in our Valentines Day 2018 Survey. We had an overwhelming number of responses, and your feedback is very valuable in determining the floral industry’s success and helping other florists as well as new and upcoming florists.

We surveyed over 10,000 florists. Approximately 90% of participants were located in the US and Canada.

Image via Shutterstock

Q1. When did you start receiving orders for Valentine’s Day?

Week of Jan 28-Feb 3

#1 Answer with 40.5%

#2 Answer, Week of Feb 4 – Feb 10 (28.4%)
#3 Answers (virtual tie), Week of Jan 7- Jan 13 and Week of Feb 11- Feb 14 (8.1%)

Q2. What was your top-selling product this Valentine’s holiday?

Red Roses (dozen)

#1 Answer with 47.3%

#2 Answer, Mixed flowers in vase (32.4%)
#3 Answer, Wrapped bouquet (6.8%)

Q3. Would you say the 2018 Valentine’s holiday was better than last year for sales?


#1 Answer with 66.2%

#2 Answer, No (25.7%)
#3 Answer, Don’t Know (8.1%)

Q4. How many more orders did you receive this year?


#1 Answer with 18.9%

#2 Answer, 51-100 (16.2%)
#3 Answer Tied, Don’t know and 101-200 (8.1%)

Results were very close!

Q5. How many new employees did you hire this Valentine’s season?

2 Drivers – 1 Front of Store & 2 Floral Designers 

#1 Answer with 64.8%

#2 Answer, 3 drivers – 2 runner – 1 front of store -4 floral designers (24.3%)

#3 Answer, 5 + drivers (8.6%)

Image via Shutterstock

Q6. Did you receive more website Valentine’s Day orders this year than last year?


#1 Answer with 56.8%

#2 Answer, No (23%)
#3 Answer, Don’t know (20.3%)

Q7. How many more website orders did you receive this Valentine’s holiday?


#1 Answer with 48.8%

#2 Answer, 25-45 (18.9%)
#3 Answer, 100-200 (17.3%)

Q8. About how much did you spend on wholesale flowers this Valentine’s holiday?

Tied, $2501-$3500 & $7001 – $10,000

#1 Answer with 24.3%

#2 Answer, $5001 -$7000 (18.9%)
#3 Answer, $3501-$5000 (14.9%)

Q9. Did you rent an extra delivery vehicle/truck this Valentine’s holiday?


#1 Answer with 82.4%

#2 Answer, Yes (17.6%)

Q10. Did Valentine’s Day falling on a Wednesday this year make a difference?


#1 Answer with 52.8%

#2 Answer, Not sure (26.8%)

#3 Answer, No difference (20.5%)

Some write-in responses:

“I think it worked out well for us. Instead of going out to dinner or going away for the weekend, we sent more flowers.”

Pros – we had two business days during the week to take orders and crank arrangements. Con – it was REALLY hard to talk customers into allowing for early deliveries on Tuesday.”

“Yes. Best day ever!”

“Not that I can tell.”

“Yes – always busiest on a Wednesday.”

“No difference from Tuesday.”

“Much better this year but ALL the deliveries were on the 14th whereas in previous years they were spread out a little more. The day gave guys more time to order on Monday & Tuesday so we saw an increase in sales there. They tend not to order as much over the weekend.”

Image via Shutterstock

Q11. If your floral business is in the US, what region of the country do you serve?


#1 Answer with 28.8%

#2 Answer, Northeast/New England (26%)

#3 Answer, South (16.4%)

#4 Answer, West (9.6%)

Q12. If your floral business is in Canada, where is it located?


#1 Answer with 63.6%

#2 Answer, British Columbia (18.2%)

#3 Answers (tie), Alberta and Manitoba (9.1%)

Q13. If you are not located in Canada or the US, where is your floral business located?


#1 Answer with 8.1%

#2 Answers, Kuwait and Singapore (2.7%)

We hope these 2018 Valentine’s results helped you in gauging your sales this holiday against the wider industry! Although the answers varied it is wonderful to see that most florists were successful with more sales this holiday and more website orders.


Florists, do you have any important feedback on how your 2018 Valentine’s Day faired? Florists would love to hear about it -Please share in the comment section below.


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