Floranext > Floranext Blog > Easter 2.0 for Your Flower Shop?

Easter 2.0 for Your Flower Shop?

Posted on April 8th, 2011
Egg-Bot, Hard at Work

Easter is around the corner, and there’s got to be something special for a flower shop to do that hasn’t been done before, right? Shouldn’t there be something out there that can help florists bring something new and fresh to holiday we’ve all experienced a million times?

Introducing…EggBot. (Seriously!)

It’s a gadget that can draw beautiful, normally impossible-to-execute-designs on eggs. Just plug it in to your computer, create a design, and presto-eggo! Instant customer satisfaction! “Would you like to add those custom eggs to your Easter arrangement for your mother?”  Yes, I believe they would.

Short of getting kids to visit your store and sit on the Easter Bunny’s lap a la Christmas — the EggBot could also be a magic tool to get more customers walking into your store!

What else do you do to generate extra business for Easter? (Mmmmm…One of our old favorites is giving free Cadbury Eggs with every purchase- try not to eat them all!)

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2 thoughts on “Easter 2.0 for Your Flower Shop?”

  1. Wendy says:

    Good thinking. Definitely outside the florist “box”!

  2. Evan Owens, Springfield Floral says:

    Agree with Wendy, it is a gutsy idea, but you cannot deny it is cool – I would go see it if a shop had one in town, so it stands to reason, that shop might as well be my own. We usually just advertise 10% discount coupons in the local paper for Easter.

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