With roughly one billion monthly active users (source), Instagram is one of the most effective ways to reach customers and build a brand following. Florists on Instagram can make a large mark on their followers when they use the tool correctly. But that may leave you wondering, what constitutes a strong Instagram post for florists?
There are several factors that can enhance floral Instagram posts to get the most bang for your buck out of the platform. We delve into those factors below and take a look at real posts by fellow florists to showcase what they’re doing right.
Planning the Picture Itself
When posting a floral photo on Instagram, you should first choose what picture you’re going to use. Believe it or not, there’s an art to choosing the right photo.
You’ll want to look at your Instagram grid overall to ensure that you’re creating variety on your page with your newest post. For instance, you don’t want to post five photos in a row of all hydrangeas. Mix it up a bit! You’ll also need to ensure that the photo you’re picking is aesthetically pleasing (which is not hard to do with flowers, of course!) and interesting to look at. Ensure you’re using a high-quality, clear image that works with the square layout of an Instagram post.
As an example of a real-life Instagram that did this well, check out the below post by Sag Harbor Florist:

Image via Instagram @sagharborflorist
Creating Intrigue
Another way to create a winning floral Instagram post is to create intrigue. This entices followers to continue following your page and to continue checking back to see what’s new. This can be done by sharing exciting news or teasing something new on the horizon in the caption that accompanies the photo.
Fellow florist The Flora Club did a great job enticing followers in her below post:

Image via Instagram @thefloraclub
Use the Tools
One of the great things about Instagram for florists is that it’s always evolving and the platform is constantly adding more tools to enhance the user experience. It’s important to take advantage of those tools when creating your Instagram posts in order to enhance your visibility and reach.
Some of these tools include using the shopping link to direct followers to products, tagging people and other vendors, adding a location tag (geotag) to help reach more people in your area, creating a video reel that lives on your grid, and using hashtags to help increase reach for florists on Instagram.
Central Square Florist did a great job using some of these tools to enhance their post, as you can see below:

Image via Instagram @centralsquareflorist
Spark Engagement
The more engaged your followers are on your floral Instagram posts, the better visibility you’ll have on the platform and the more you’ll reach new potential clients. To create the chance for more engagement on your page, ask a question to your followers in the caption so they’re motivated to leave a comment. When they do comment, make sure you respond to and like their comments to encourage further interaction.
Another way to drive engagement is to ensure you’re tagging applicable individuals or vendors in your posts so that they may reshare your post. Finally, make sure that you are following others in the industry and adjacent industries, liking their posts, and commenting on their posts to drive traffic back to your own page.
Your London Florist does a great job sparking engagement and interacting with followers on her page, as showcased below:

Image via Instagram @yourlondonflorist
Florists, what are your best tips for a successful floral Instagram post? Share your best tips and tricks for driving engagement and enhancing your grid in the comment section below and include your Instagram handle so we can follow you!

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