Vanity emails go a long way in branding your floral business.
But are they necessary? If you are still using AOL, Gmail or Yahoo as your business email you are missing out on opportunities to present your brand—as many opportunities as there are emails you send, in fact.
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What is a Vanity Email?
Simply put, a vanity email is an email that includes your floral business/domain name. Generally, if you have a website domain name, you want to use your domain name in your vanity email, for example [email protected] instead of [email protected]. The typical structure is [email protected].
You can set up a vanity email through your domain registrar.
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Why Vanity Emails are a Crucial Addition to Your Flower Business
All your shop’s public personality feeds into your brand, and using a vanity email can help connect the dots from your website to your business communications. Your logo and website are important, but so is the way you project your brand with every communication.
1. Vanity emails help make your business memorable!
A vanity/business email helps to ingrain your business name with these recipients. Creating your email identity making you recognizable. Compare [email protected] with [email protected]: which is more engaging, which is easier to remember? Every impression counts, even through email.
2. Vanity emails create assurance and trust!
Anyone can create a free email account, which can leave email recipients feeling vulnerable. Having a business vanity email helps in solidifying you as a professional business owner giving you/your flower business credibility. As a customer, you can be sure that the [email protected] address was created by the same people who control the website, and all messages you receive from that address are coming from a shop employee.
3. Vanity emails keeps emails organized!
The beauty of vanity emails is that you can create emails for different departments, such as [email protected] and [email protected]. This will help give a clear direction to your customers on who handles specific email content. You will still have access to all these departments, but it will establish an organized response system.
4. Vanity emails are reasonably priced!
Besides these other important benefits, the cost of setting up a vanity email is almost negligible. Marketing/branding for your floral business comes in a lot of shapes and some options are very costly, but having a vanity email is worth every penny you spend. It is also easy to set up through your current domain provider.
Florists, do you have a vanity email? How have vanity emails changed your floral business? Please share your feedback and questions in the comment section below.
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