Are you thinking of adding another floral website?
If your current floral website is doing well in sales, the idea may have crossed your mind that if you had another floral website, you could dominate your local area and make even more money. Or maybe you signed up with a well-known wire service and they encouraged you to get a second floral website. Are there any drawbacks to running two eCommerce websites?
Unfortunately, the answer is unequivocal yes. Having more than one website is negative for any business. There are many reasons for this, and we will break them down below.

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With more than one website, your search engine ranking can suffer. NAP Consistency refers to the accuracy of your brick-and-mortar floral business’s name, address, and phone number across all platforms, social media sites, citations, and websites.
In short, Google and other search engines’ algorithms use ranking signals to grab the most relevant trusted results. Duplicate NAP content on multiple floral websites lowers your level of trust with search engines. Remember, these are robots—not people—so when they see something that makes them uncertain, they can lower search engine placement.
Additionally, Google Business pages only allow for one website and you could run the risk of having your website considered spam and removed from search engine results.

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Confusing Your Visitors
Online shoppers are savvy with search engines. They often scroll down the search engine list and pick the floral website they most gravitate to or the floral website they feel most confident about.
One important factor in customer confidence is the review section. Reviews are priceless when it comes to search engines, and having them scattered all over the place will not be beneficial to your flower business.
Most online shoppers are instantly turned off by a business with two separate websites offering essentially the same products—this can lead to a lack of trust and no sale.

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You Become Your Own Competition
Not necessarily in your local area, but on search engines, which is not a good thing. Your multi-floral websites are competing against one another which generally results in both websites ranking low on search engines.

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Waste of Time and Money
Regardless if your second floral website costs a little more or a lot, it’s still a waste of money and time to have multiple floral websites. Invest the money from your second site in ads or a marketing campaign to benefit your first and primary website.
We hope that this encourages you to have only one floral eCommerce website. If you have two or more, now is the time to consolidate and save yourself some time and money to get your floral branding up on search engines.
Florists, do you currently have two or more floral eCommerce websites? Please share your feedback or questions below in the comment section.
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I had a second ecommerce site through floral cloud waste of time i thought id get more buisness using their ecommerce set up for interflora driven but the paygateway/ comission was for me and my location a waste of time .they also sold me without asking me if i was a gold member the interflora gold product line that silver members
Are not entitled to sell
It took id say 2 yrs for that to be noticed by them i was upset and they just kicked me to the kerb end of contract
Very useful Information thank you for the website