Posts by idalina


Florist Blogging – Made Easy

February 1st, 2017 Posted by Blog, Florist Marketing, Florist POS, Florist Resources, florist technology, Florist Websites, Opening a Flower Shop, Search Engine Optimization, seo 23 thoughts on “Florist Blogging – Made Easy”


 Are you one of many florists who does not understand the concept of blogging? Don’t worry, you are not alone!

The word “blog” actually was constructed of two words ” web and log” and called weblog. A few years later it was shortened by Peter Merholz who referred to weblog as blog.

Writing a florist blog is a more informal way of writing that should be updated regularly on a web page. It is up to the writer to blog about the content and topics that resonate most with them or their industry.


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 Why is florist industry specific blogging so important?

Because it is the most cost effective marketing tool for your floral business.

  • Helps drive traffic to your floral websites.
  • Increase the value of your floral website.
  • Helps your flower shop create a following.
  • Helps your flower shop become a leader in the floral industry.
  • Increases your SEO (search engine optimization).

Tip: Google loves blogs, especially with specific industry keywords. Use florist, flower shop, floral, wedding bouquets, and birthday arrangements, you get the idea.



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What Florists Should Blog About

Florists, you may actually blog about anything and everything. The most important thing here is that you’re blogging about the floral business or anything related to increase your brand value.

Think about blogs you have read lately, and what lured you to click on them. If you are still experiencing writer’s block, below are a few proven captivating titles to grabs readers attention.

“How To  Guides or A Way To Master…” – Any blog offering instructions or “how to” are very well received. These blogs offer readers a solution to what they are looking to accomplish.

“Tip And Tricks” – Another way to title a “how to guide “.

“Secrets Revealed ” – We all love secrets and these blogs get some of the most clicks.

“Trend Blog”-  Write about upcoming trends or wedding trends. These are also well received, make  sure to add captivating images to this one.



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How To Write A Florist Blog

  1. Your current florist website provider should have a platform for you to add a blog. We want to keep the blog on your actual floral website so that you can turn visits into potential sales.
  2. Think of a topic (floral specific) that you are passionate or knowledgeable about.
  3. Pick a gravitating title, remember this is what entice’s readers to click on your blog.
  4. Make it personal if you can use “I” or “my” which is read well on social media sites.
  5. Start your florist blog with an introduction.
  6. List out the main key functions of your florist blog with readable titles and outlines.
  7. Add a closing and do not forget to ask for readers participation and allowing for comments to be added to your blog.
  8. Add images to your blog, images make blogs more user-friendly and interesting.
  9. Link your blog on all social media platforms. Do not forget to pin to your board on Pinterest!
  10. If you can, write a 1000 word blog at least, which gives you a better chance of improving your rankings on search engines.

Tip: Take a good look at this blog and notice how often the keywords florist, floral and flowers are used, this is not a coincidence but rather added strategically for SEO. 


Florists have you posted a blog that has had huge success or do you have a question on blogging? Post your comments and questions below.


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.



Florist Guide – Prepping Roses 101

January 25th, 2017 Posted by Blog, Floral Design, Florist Resources, Valentine's Day 5 thoughts on “Florist Guide – Prepping Roses 101”


Prepping roses is the key ingredient in providing customers with a long lasting arrangement.

With a busy Valentine’s Day just around the corner, in this blog we will focus on prepping roses for maximum longevity.



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Good To Know

  • Roses are packed 25 stems in a bunch and come in these lengths of 40cm, 50cm, 60cm and 70cm. The longer the length of the rose stem, the bloom size is (typically).
  • Crystal Clear flower food delivers ingredients to hydrate your roses and other flower stems.
  • Quick Dip is an instant hydrating treatment.
  • The 60 cm Freedom rose is most used by florists on Valentine’s Day.
  • Guard petals are the outer petals that have a tear or damage with tiny blemishes.



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Prepping Rose Buckets

Flower buckets need to be cleaned thoroughly. Poorly cleaning your buckets will wilt your roses. This is an important step in quickly hydrating your roses. Their first drink is most important!

  1. Wash flower buckets thoroughly. Be sure to get in all the corners and remembering to remove all bacteria.
  2. If you are using bleach, please be sure to rinse and rinse. Roses do not like bleach, so be sure to not add any roses to a bucket that may have some bleach residue.
  3. After buckets are cleaned, fill buckets half way with cool water and add Crystal Clear.

Tip: Be sure to maintain a clean environment before the roses arrive.  Always keep your cooler clean and free of bacteria. 



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Processing /Prepping Roses

  1. Cut the bottom of your rose stems by one inch or so. Be sure to cut on a slight angle.
  2. Be sure (if you remove them from their wrappings) to not leave any foliage below the water line as this will create rot.
  3. Removing thorns can be simply done by pushing on the thorn. Do not remove the whole thorn as this will let air in the stem.
  4. It’s highly recommended that all roses be dipped in Quick Dip. Hold roses in solution for a few seconds and then add to your rose bucket.
  5. Let your roses sit in the water bucket for approximately 1-2 hours outside the cooler, then transferring them to cooler for 24 hours (if possible) before using.
  6. Once ready to arrange, take the guard petals off the rose. This is a crucial step in a making a beautiful rose arrangement.



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Arranging One Dozen Roses

Mastered by florists, one dozen rose arrangements are one of the biggest sellers in the floral industry. For those who are new to floral design, here are some simple steps in arranging one dozen roses.

  1. Choose your vase. One dozen roses look beautiful in a variety of tall vases. Add cool water about 3/4 of the way to top and add flower food.
  2. Select your roses. Look over your roses and be sure to remove guard petals that look brown and all foliage below the water line.
  3. If you are adding greens to your one dozen rose arrangement, you may start by adding the greens first. This does vary by florist as some like to add them after the roses. Do what feels right to you, as long as the finished product looks balanced.
  4. Add you long stem roses to a vase (one in each direction) and then add roses filling in all spaces. Remember your floral design basics of balance, harmony, proportion, movement and unity.
  5. At this stage, you may add any filler you like by filling in any sparse areas or leaving it as is.


Florists, have any great tips on processing or arranging roses? We would love to hear about them, please share them below with our readers.



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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.



Valentine’s Day – Florist Checklist

January 18th, 2017 Posted by Blog, events, Floral Design, Florist Ecommerce, Florist Marketing, Florist Operations, Florist Point of Sale, Florist POS, Florist Profits, Florist Resources, florist technology, Florist Websites, florist-software, Valentine's Day 6 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day – Florist Checklist”

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Florists now is the time to gear up and prepare – Valentine’s Day is approaching at lightning speed!

 It is important to be ahead of the Valentine’s Day flower rush! Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest and possibly the most profitable holiday of the year, compared to Mother’s Day.

 In this blog, we will create a step by step checklist to make it easier for you to maintain organization and increase profits in your flowers shop for a smooth, successful Valentine’s Day.


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Flower Shop Appearance

(Best implemented early to mid-January)

Valentine’s Day Decor: Take a look around and make your flower shop ooze love! Customers respond to seasonal and holiday decor, so go ahead and add your special touches. Create a beautiful window display if feasible. The key here is to create an inviting atmosphere, all while reminding customers Valentine’s Day is approaching.



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 Flowers & Supplies

(Best implemented before mid-January)

Order Flowers: We encourage you to order your flowers early from your suppliers, ask for price breaks and be sure to order all you need but do not over order. Remember, Be Smart, Buy Smart!

Try A Flower Auction: Due to large quantities, you must buy in order to get a great deal, this may not be a good option for all year long but great for Valentine’s Day. Look into getting roses for a super value and again ordering early is key.

Order Supplies: Make sure you have good tools, and all the prep supplies you need (wire, tape, oasis, flower food, etc). Besides your tools and prep supplies, you will need vases and containers. Order your standard vases and shop around home decor stores for unique finds for great deals.

Order Add-Ons: Do not forget to order updated plush, candies, chocolate, balloons and candles. Anything is really up for grabs and can be an add-on. Cross-selling creates huge profits and these items generally last from year to year. If you can, invest in quality products and watch them sell.



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Floral Website Checklist

(Best implemented before February, 1)

Ideally, it is best to have your floral eCommerce all set and ready for Valentine’s Day before the first of February.  However, it is never too late to do a few website renovations that will attract customers. Remember to implement some Valentine’s Day keywords for your SEO.

Website Products: Start with your Valentine’s Day product images, these should be displayed throughout the website in various pages. You may certainly add Valentine’s Day products to your Best Sellers, Birthday and any other pages you like. The key here is to add a few products sporadically on different pages, all while keeping your Valentine’s Day page.

Call To Action: Great practice is to have a call to action on your floral eCommerce.  Add a “Shop Now – Valentine’s Day Flowers” which will direct customers where they need to go. Make sure  Valentine’s Day is clearly shown on your menu nav bar so customers have easy access to the page.

Clear Valentine’s Day Policy: If your policy is somewhat hidden on your website, now is the time to post it more clearly. It is a great idea to post a delivery policy as well as it is impossible to deliver everyone’s arrangement at a set time. Picking a time range is always best (Valentine’s Day Delivery – Guaranteeing between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm). This is also something that can be posted on your website top bar.

Promotions: We encourage adding an early bird special. Unlike other holidays, Valentine’s Day is one day which can get very busy. Having customers select a different delivery day spreads the holiday throughout the week. Offer a free delivery or percentage off for anyone who opts for delivery before February 14.

Pricing: If you are charging more for Valentine’s Day flowers, make sure your floral eCommerce has holiday pricing set.



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Valentine’s Day Employee Checklist

(Best implemented before February, 1)

Employee Scheduling: Discuss what is required from your employees as far as their scheduling goes. Most flower shop employees understand the importance of this holiday, have a clear understanding of days and times they must work.

Cross-Selling & UpGrades: Valentine’s Day is a such a busy holiday in a flower shop that sometimes cross-selling or upgrading is not even thought of. We encourage you to make upgrading and cross-selling mandatory in your flower shop. The difference is astronomical in profits, every employee should offer a customer more with every sale.

Extra Help: Hire any extra help you need this week, front counter help, designers, and delivery drivers. Make sure to go over all that is required including scheduling.



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Valentine’s Day Prep Checklist

(Best implemented after February, 5)

Prep Your Flowers: When your flower supply arrives, be sure to quickly prep all your flowers, do not cut corners. Prepping is the key in selling beautiful long lasting flowers. How to flower prep.

Supplies: Cut your ribbon ahead time for quick access. Line up all your codified containers and make sure you have enough, same goes for pics, pins, plush, candies and so on.

Get To Greening: Practiced by many florists, green vases before the holiday. Greens are very long lasting, doing this ahead of time will save you some valuable time (be sure to keep in cooler all pre-greened containers and vases).



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Valentine’s Day Week Checklist

Get Your Display On: Create bundle deals and display them throughout the shop. Add special offers for roses purchased with plush, candies, or any combination. Make sure these are visible for easy purchase for walk-in customers.

Single Roses: A big seller from many florists has been the single wrapped rose. Pre-make tons of these and place them at your front counter. These sell quickly and most customers will almost always purchase an add -on to go along with the single wrapped rose. Be sure to display them close together.

Tip: Wrap single colored roses as well. Customers love these, with the color pink trailing right behind red. 

Delivery Route: Look over the orders you currently have and make a set plan with your drivers on what areas they are delivering to. Remember more orders trickle in the day before Valentine’s Day and day of, so be as organized as possible, with the delivery routing for each driver.

Tip: If you can, we advise having a standby driver at the shop, this driver will handle all new orders that come in on Valentine’s Day.

Attire: Why a section on attire? We want you to be comfortable! Please wear proper shoes. Do Not allow employees to wear open toe shoes, this can be an insurance liability.  Be comfortable and wear closed toe shoes.

Do Not Be Wasteful: With the orders piling up it is so easy to be wasteful, make sure to use what you need. Amazing how many flowers and supplies are simply thrown on the floor and then thrown out. Discuss the importance with your employees on not wasting products, this all cuts into your bottom line profits.

Watch Your Finances: You are exhausted we get it, however, please be sure to check your daily sales for each day leading up to Valentine’s Day. Keep clear reports on all accounts payable and accounts receivable.



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Valentine’s Day Checklist

All the preparations have paid off! Valentine’s Day is here!

Everything Will Be Great: Florists by nature tend to be perfectionists. Our advice is everything will come together. The day will fly by so enjoy it, focus on your task at hand rather than feel like you have to be doing everything.

Keep Up The Sense Of Humor: Do not sweat the small stuff. Things can happen and they are all part of the Valentine’s Day flower shop process.

Treat Employees To Lunch: This is great for the fellowship in the flower shop and also keeps employees from venturing out for lunch.

Delivery Confirmations: If you participate with a floral wire service, be sure to confirm all your delivered orders. Doing so will keep you from being charged high non-delivery confirmation fees. Most floral wire services have a time that they need to be confirmed by, so please do this accordingly.


Florists, have any great Valentine’s Day tip to share with our readers? Please post your feedback below, as it is so important to us! We would like to wish all florists a very lucrative and successful Valentine’s Day!


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.




Florist Website Design Guide 2019

January 11th, 2017 Posted by Blog, Florist Ecommerce, Florist Marketing, florist technology, Florist Websites, florist-software, Search Engine Optimization, seo 2 thoughts on “Florist Website Design Guide 2019”


 An easy way to get the most out of your eCommerce sales.

No question that in this day and age every florist who offers everyday retail must have an eCommerce (commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet) website.

In this blog, let’s talk about floral websites best practices, ways of improving SEO (search engine optimization), content, user friendliness, and some other vital information on maximizing your eCommerce website.



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Domain Name 

If you already have a domain name that has been on the internet or continues to be, please DO NOT change it! Domain names carry valuable SEO, so changing your domain name will have you starting from scratch in building up your SEO.

For those of you who do not yet have a domain name here are important tips on selecting the right domain.

  • Use proper keywords in your domain, if you are a flower business, then without a doubt, you must use a keyword specific to your business. For example, flowers, floral, and florist.
  • Once you have picked your domain name ( please make sure this is a vital domain name which was never linked to any unpromising business practices in the past. You may check this on

Floral Website Appearance

We understand the sensitivity of this topic, however, it is a very important to go over your florist website appearance.  Regardless if your SEO is top ranking, if your floral website is not appealing to a multitude of customers you will lose valuable sales.

  • Design: Be very careful when selecting colors and backgrounds, especially trendy backgrounds with patterns. These can turn off potential customers from shopping on your eCommerce.
  • Products: Pay special attention to your product images, they should all look consistent, not overly large, or mismatched.
  • Logo: Your logo should be big enough to read but not so big it takes half your home page. A clean simple logo always works best than a specific style that may not be appealing to a large demographic of visitors.

Best Practices for Floral Website Appearance

  • Neutral background –  (white or black) Check out some other eCommerce websites and you will see a trend in white backgrounds with some black. These companies can spend millions on the appearance of their eCommerce websites and still choose to keep it simple with a neutral background.
  • Fonts – All fonts should all be consistent and not overly mismatched. Fonts should also be large enough to read and understand.
  • Mobile Friendly website –  A responsive website will allow customers who are on any other devices (tablet, iPad or mobile) a better shopping experience.  Besides this very important reason, Google search engines as of April 2015, is using websites who are mobile friendly as a ranking signal.
  • Specific florist content – Having lots of specific content on your website allows for more keywords.  Keywords are high for indexing and ranking your florist website by increasing your SEO. Write a hefty “About Us” and wording for each page.
  • Contact information – Your address should be clear and visible on the homepage, we like to see it listed on top (header) of the home page and also below (footer). You should still have a “Contact Us ” page with your address, business phone number, map, and email options.
  • No rotating images or videos on your homepage – Reframe from using quick rotating banners, images or videos on your home page. This can be really confusing to your shopper and actually altogether make them click out of your floral website. While researching floral eCommerce, we found out that the websites who had no moving images, banners or videos on the home page had a tremendously better bounce rate and higher sales.

Floral Website Content, SEO & Tags

If you are working with a floral website hosting company then most of these important functions should be already implemented on your eCommerce website.  In the chance that they are not, we want you to be super informed on these floral websites must haves for SEO.

  • Add-Ons & Upgrades: All products should offer customers upgrading options and add-ons. Adding these two simple elements to your floral website can have a huge impact on your profits.
  • Header Tags: Headers tags (H1 ) highest level of tags are valuable in SEO, as it sums up what your website is about. Writing a correct H1 tag is essential and should be done by your website provider.  H1 tags greatly improve your search engine rankings.
  • Wedding /Event Gallery: If you do wedding and event flowers, it is a great idea to showcase your beautiful work in an image gallery on your website. These are very successful with customers, spending loads of time admiring your selections, which also increases your SEO.
    • Make sure customers can clearly see an option to contact you for a consolation.
    • Write a short bio on your Wedding/Event flowers page. It is perfectly OK to be conceded.(be sure to include specific keywords such as wedding, event, locations and so on)
  • Website Footer: Your floral website footer is very important! The footer contains loads of information and valuable keywords which rank really well for your overall SEO. Make sure your floral eCommerce has a footer with a clear title descriptions and locations where services are provided.  Below are footer website must haves.
    • Terms of Service, Privacy Policy
    • Site Map
    • Contact Us
    • Business Address
    • Local Pages
  • Local Pages: Offering great placement for SEO, local pages allows you to add multiple locations and businesses you provide services to on a designated page on your website. Rather than just placing high for your location, you may add various locations to also rank for those areas. You can also add hospitals, funeral homes, venues, schools, and many more to rank for these business keywords.

Floral Website Marketing

There are countless ways of marketing for your florist website, below we will explore some options that have proven successful getting customers to purchase on your eCommerce site.

  • Offer Promotions & Coupons:  Shoppers love deals, offer coupon codes periodically on your floral website for percentages off a total shopping cart. Set an amount that customers must spend in order to get the percentage off, free delivery is also a great selling option. Promotions are great to offer on specific items, for instances a percentage off on roses.
  • Give It For Free: If you are new to the eCommerce website a great way to have customers buzzing about your floral website is to offer something for Free. We understand you cannot give it all for free, how about a raffle or the first customers who email you from your website can get a free arrangement.
    • This keeps customers clicking on your website, building your SEO.
    • You can post the winner on your social media, which creates conversations and likes, which also increases your visibility.


These are some easy ways to get the most out of your eCommerce site. Florists,  let’s hear your feedback! Do you have any important website design functions that have been successful? Please share all your feedback, tips or any floral website related questions you would like addressed below.


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.






May Your Flower Sales Be Merry & Bright!

December 7th, 2016 Posted by Blog, Christmas, Florist Ecommerce, Florist Marketing, Florist Operations, Florist POS, Florist Profits, Florist Resources, florist technology, Florist Websites, Flower Trends 0 thoughts on “May Your Flower Sales Be Merry & Bright!”



Raise Your Holiday Spirits by Increasing your Flower Sales!

“Christmas flower sales is not what it used to be!”  and this is proving to be true for many florists whether you been in the florist industry for years or just opening a flower shop. With an array of gift giving options for consumers it’s no wonder that flowers may not be forefront on their mind, however, florists times are a changing.

We would like to focus on ways of improving floral sales during the Christmas holiday for all flower shop owners to boost those sales and increase profit in your flower shop this Christmas.



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Be Jolly, By Golly – Customer Service

Staff should be in the holiday spirit and overly helpful with all shoppers, of course, this goes without saying for all seasons in the floral retail business. However often during this time it is important to focus on being more courteous. Consumers tend to be more on edge and are spending more money than usual, even if they spent little at your flower shop or eCommerce, good to make them feel at ease and well attended.



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Festive Store Front & eCommerce

Look around your flower shop, does it look festive, appealing, would you shop here? The same goes for your eCommerce store is ready for Christmas? Do you have Christmas products, gift baskets, and other items to offer?

Besides not being offered great customer service, customers biggest pet peeves and reasons why they do not shop somewhere is appearance. Be sure add something enticing to your storefront or window display and also update your eCommerce Website to reflect the season.



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Get Consumers In The Christmas Spirt

Get you shoppers to interact with each floral purchase.  Think “ELF on a Shelf ” include an elf in your  flower arrangements or hide the elf at your shop and have customers find the elf for a discount. There are a vast of options to entice customers to shop at your flower shop.

Tip: Make sure to market on your social media and eCommerce website.



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The Perfect Presentation

Consider purchasing extra gift bags and beautiful packaging this holiday season. The way your flower arrangements or gift items presentation by either taken or delivered makes a huge lasting  impression. Offer to gift wrap, if you can, any gift item and please be sure to add a pretty bow. Add some holiday flare and do not forget your special tag with your shop’s name.



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The Season Of Giving

Give free flower holiday arrangements to your local eatery, hair salons, jewelry stores, banks, etc.  Any place where there is a vast amount of shoppers, this works unbelievably well for gaining new customers at your flower shop, especially for shoppers who often do not consider flowers as a gift giving option.


Florists, Do you have some Christmas sales tips for our readers?  Please share them below.


Floranext Logo

Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.


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Keep It Fun – Top 10 For Florists

November 16th, 2016 Posted by Blog, Christmas, events, Florist Operations, Florist Resources, Mother's Day 0 thoughts on “Keep It Fun – Top 10 For Florists”


Increasing and boosting fun/ humor in your floral business has many key benefits.

As the holiday’s approach and flower shops get busier it is also a good time to focus on your flower shop business morale. Humor in the workplace has shown to lead to increased productivity and longevity.

Humor helps Increase your floral business by:

  • Connection
  • Production
  • Boosts brain power
  • Engagement
  • Reduces stress
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Burns calories (we like this one!)

Top 10 Ways To Increase Your  Flower Shop Fun



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1.Wall Of Fame Game

Have a designated wall of fame, decorate it with thank you notes or reviews from customers. Every time you get a thank you note or review from a customer, donate money to the employee outing fund for fun activities or trips.



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2. National Dress Up Day 

Partake in a flower shop dress up day, many shops now have an ugly Christmas sweater day and there are many versions of workplace dress up, from Hawaiian shirts, funny t-shirt day, and more. Pick your own national dress up day. Create a little competition between employees and make your customers smile.



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3. Flower Music Playlist

Implement a flower music playlist, have employees participate in selecting their favorite songs. All should have something to do with  flowers (Kiss from a rose, Every rose has a thorn, Build me up buttercup, Lilac wine, etc), play these at the shop for your staff and customers. Print out the songs or write a flower song blog and post on your florist website or social media.



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4. Bring Your Pet To Work Day 

This allows your employees to experience the joy of having their pet or pets at the workplace. Some shops have even adopted a pet as their flower shop mascot.



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5. Tell A Joke 

Have an intercom? Try telling a joke or have a tell a joke day. Announce these over the intercom and get all employees involved.



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6. Exchange Gag Gifts 

There are many gifts that lighten up the mood and bring out the fun in the floral workplace. Pick a time of the year to exchange gag gifts with all coworkers and watch the laughter roll in.


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7. Flower Trivia 

How about some flower trivia, print  these on some card stock and get the customers involved while shopping at your shop. Offer customers a 5% off for all correct answers.  This is a great way to get fans on your social media involved as well, don’t forget to post on Facebook.



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8. Lip Sync Contest

Divide your flower shop up into teams, have employees select songs a day in advance and let the show begin . This is super fun and silly and sure to make for a memorable day.



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9. Surprise Award

Reward your employees with random surprise awards for their hard work, make them funny.  This can be any kind of award from candy to lunch. Take pictures and announce on your social media.


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10. Birthday Party

Acknowledge all employees birthdays with a birthday bash, have cake and gifts. You may even try a surprise party for them. This is a great way to bring all together in your flower shop.


These are just a few fun tips to implement in your floral workplace. We all know florists by nature are fun, witty and have a great sense of humor, I’m sure some of these fun tips are already practiced in your flower shop. If you have a fun tip we missed please share it below.


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.


Florist House Accounts

Floral House Accounts – Pros & Cons

November 10th, 2016 Posted by Florist Operations, Florist POS, Florist Resources 1 thought on “Floral House Accounts – Pros & Cons”

Florist House Accounts

House Accounts also known as Credit- Line/Charge Accounts were a floral business must have at one time.

In this day and age many florists question if they should offer or continue to offer house accounts to their customers/local business. Most florist Point of Sale systems provide House Account functionality. Offering House Accounts can be risky, however there are many benefits  with extending a credit line to your customers.

In this blog we will outweigh the pros and cons of offering your customers florist House Accounts.

Florist House Accounts – Pros 

  • House Account Customers  Spend More 

House account customers pay over time, therefore they are more likely to spend more.

  • Gain More Customers

Local business, City Town Hall, Hospital Human Resources Department  and many more  love to team up with flower shops who offer House Accounts as do customers. Extending credit will increase your  business traffic .

  • Beat Your Competition

Many florists opted not to offer House Accounts to their customers or local business, this can be a win, win for your flower shop business as customers love the flexibility to pay over time as it allows them to control their finances more efficiently.  Having  charge accounts  available in your florist will help you win more customers thus beating your competitor.

  • Boost  Reputation 

Customers feel a sense of trust and comfort in your business when you offer them a credit line. Shows that your flower shop business is financially stable.

  • Enhances Social Media 

One way flower shops have been offering credit lines to customers, is by posting contests on their floral business social media. Offering a small credit line to their fans with a discount. This not only works to bring in more sales however also enhances your social media presence.

  • Double Your Sales

Allowing for credit lines attracts more sales not just because of all key points above but it also allows your customers to pay over time having them be less worried about price and to order from your flower shop more frequently.

Flower Shop

Florist House Accounts – Cons

  • Billing Management 

Accounts receivable management will  take a huge part of running you’re  business successfully. You must now spend time sending invoices and statements , apply payments and keep a accurate record of all open credit lines. This may require you to hire extra help or take up more of your free time.

  • Delinquent Accounts

With any credit line offered to a business or customer there is always the risk of a charge   account being delinquent, customers who do not pay can equal a loss thus impeding on your business cash flow.

  • May Increase Business Debit 

If you are ordering  flowers/supplies on credit in hopes of paying when your house accounts pay you this may increase your debit especially if customers pay you late or become delinquent.

  • Possibility Of Loosing Customers

Although a rare occurrence it is good to consider that this is a possibility. Some customers will not pay and the more hassling the more they refuse to be a patron at your flower shop. There are also some who become offended when charged late fees.


Is it wise to offer credit lines to your customers ?

This is solely your decision as a flower shop business owner. For me personally I have had much success with house accounts as they were my best customers,  this is not always the case for florists who extend credit.

If you are on the fence, here are some tips to get you started.

  1. Start with business credit lines first. This will allow you to get the hang of account receivables and see if your cash flow is affected in any way while waiting for your business customers to pay their account.
  2. Keep a customers credit card securely on their account as a backup.
  3. Have a good Florist POS House Account billing software, I understand I’m bias here, but honestly it is super important to have a great florist specific accounts receivable software. This will do most of the work for you.  Doing it without a florist accounts receivable software will be a tedious job and sometimes more trouble then its worth.
  4. Be choosy! Offering credit lines to your customers is your choice therefore not all are created equal, choose the customers you would like to offer credit lines too wisely. Start off with a minimum  credit line and increase as you see they make timely payments.
  5. Have a written contract with your house account policies, Let customer know in advance the late fee payments and so on. Also make sure this is clearly shown on customers billing statement.

Florists lets hear your feedback, do you think house accounts are important in the floral business? Tell us yay or nay on house accounts.


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.


Flower Arranging 101 – Centerpiece Design Basics

November 2nd, 2016 Posted by Blog, Floral Design, Florist Resources, Flower Trends 0 thoughts on “Flower Arranging 101 – Centerpiece Design Basics”


Tis the season for centerpieces be for holiday’s or events.

Following some basic principles will allow you as the designer flexibility with your own creative touches helping execute your masterful floral work of art for any table showcase.

Floral designing is a form of architecture, be sure to follow these floral arranging  principles with all your flower design work.

  • Proportion
  • Balance
  • Harmony
  • Color
  • Texture

It is important to stay current and know the floral trends and incorporate these in your floral designs. Trending this season is gathered wildflower, loose, chic, flowy look with massive large flower stems and lots of foliage. Do not forget the special Wow touches, whether it be blackberry vines, twigs, or even fruit, be creative, these will make your flower arrangement rememberable.


florist preperation

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  • Snips and tape
  • Container- Any vessel that fits the center of a dining table is fair game, think of incorporating a wood plank, or any container that speaks to you.
  • Oasis – Green Floral Foam
  • Foliage – Both warm and cool based greenery
  • Flowers – Colors also play a big part this season think blush and burgundies, eggplant.
seeded eucalyptus

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Some of our favorite foliage this season

Israeli/Italian Ruscus, Bear Grass, Bulk Fountain Grass, Leucadendron, Gunnii/Willow Fresh/Willow Seeded/Eucalyptus, Broomcorn, Hanging Pepperberry, Hawthorn Berry, ferns, & Wheat.


king protea

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Some of our favorite flower stems this season

Anemones, Amaranthus, Cornflower, Dahlia’s, Scabiosa, Thistle, Nigella, Ranunculus, David Austin Roses, Garden Rose, Rice Flower, Protea, Yarrow, Mums, & Wax Flower.

Tip: Foliage is very important and tricks the eye, creating lots of visual  stimulation, just as important as your flowers. Sometimes more important than flowers, please take some time in selecting beautiful foliage.



image by Hannah Merritt via Creative Market


Add Oasis to your desired container, please make sure Oasis is thoroughly watered.

Tape Oasis to your container, make sure Oasis is peaking above the container.

Make sure all flower stems and greens are cleaned and prepped for arranging.


Image via Lush Flowers at

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Centerpiece Arranging  Basics

Step One: Start with your foliage on the outskirts of your container and work your way towards the center.

Think symmetrical but not equal – add some longer pieces foliage in various points. Fill all your foliage to the center, make sure you add plenty of foilage.

Step Two: Good general rule of thumb is to add the largest flower stem to the sides one or two here is all you need. Make sure to rest flower stem deeply within the foilage.

Step Three:  Add your special touches, like berries, more delicate foliage, or flower stems, we like to call these dainty stems.

Step Four:  Take a step back and be sure that your centerpiece has balance and continue adding all your other flower stems, use your eye for placement and less is more with your larger stems. All flowers radiate to the center point of your centerpiece.

Step Five: Add your most precious flower stems off from the center slightly – these will be your focal point.

Step Six: Take a step back, view your masterful centerpiece, check for voided spaces. voilà you are done, make sure you take a picture and place on social media.

Tip: visualize a triangle effect, consistently working on both sides of your centerpiece.

Note: If you are adding a taper or candle to your centerpiece be sure to add this first.

With the busy holiday schedule, it’s always best to plan ahead and use tricks of the trade to get these holiday centerpieces created. Florists, do you have any tips or tricks in helping our readers make a centerpiece, please share below.


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.

Fall Flower Wedding Trends

September 29th, 2016 Posted by Blog, Floral Design, Flower Trends, weddings 1 thought on “Fall Flower Wedding Trends”


Enchant your clients with these fall flower wedding trends

Fresh crisp air, colorful leaves piled high, aromas of sweet pumpkin and apple pie, anticipation of holiday family gatherings, these are just a few things that come to mind when thinking of fall.  It is proven that fall has a spellbinding effect on our emotional state, perhaps this is why more couples choose to have their weddings during this extraordinary time of the year.

Fall flower wedding trends for 2016 do not fall short of this seasons magical commencement. Think outside the box to showcase these ravishing fall wedding trends.



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 Exotic Flowers To Fall For

Let the flower’s bloom take precedence, leave succulents behind, they are fading fast, so focus on unique textured blooms.  Protea and Dahlias are a big hit this season and sure to stick around.

Trending Colors – Blush – Orange – Peach – Burgundies – Browns –  Shades of Whites

Foliage of choice is eucalyptus, used with many different varieties.

Tip: Remember your twigs, berries and branches, add a bit of whimsy with raspberry vines.



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Wildflower Bouquets

Wild about fall, these gathered freshly picked bouquets are all about size and texture, think wide and loose.

Incorporate burgundies, oranges and blush (pink), toss the color wheel and get to designing. Remember it’s all about the shape, texture and movement.



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 Hair Flower-dos

Tiaras are a thing of the past, the current trend is now sweet, soft, and ultra feminine with hair flower-dos. Keeping with the same wildflower look, these grand and soft arrangements should be highly recommend to all your brides, bridesmaids, and flower girls.

Tip: Floral crowns and floral clips are simple to make, make some up and take pictures for your wedding flower portfolio.



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Fall Centerpiece Vessel 

The days of grand tall centerpieces are passé, think low. Use creative vessels to display your flower arrangements. A super hot trend for fall, believe it or not, is loosely arranged centerpieces in pineapples or white pumpkins.



Image via Lush Flowers at


Garland Foliage Centerpieces

Adorn tables with garland sweep across a long table scape or across the center of a round table. These centerpieces are a hit and easy to execute. You can add beautiful white candles and twigs for a completed look.



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Adding Fall Touches

Making a centerpiece is just the beginning, how about adding a touch of awe by awaking all the senses and incorporating what makes this fall season special. Cinnamon sticks are a huge hit and chat worthy among guests. Green apples and fall leaves look best in all white and cream table scapes.



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Flower Photo-Booth Walls 

If you are not recommending flower wall arrangements, then you must start asap! Think of the wedding photo booths, couples spend a small fortune on these. The flower photo booth wall can be used for many backdrops, they are classy, adds character, luxury, and a definite show stopper!


image via Idalina Cardillo

image via Idalina Cardillo

Theme Weddings

Theme weddings are all the rage this fall, although not just for the fall season. Theme weddings has taken precedence and is especially popular among the rich and famous.  Let your creativity blossom and recommend these fabulous wedding themes.

Most Popular Themes 

  • Old Hollywood
  • Bookworm
  • Eco Friendly
  • Rustic
  • Enchanted Forest
  • Bohemian (Fairy Princess)
  • Game of Thrones
  • Vintage
  • Sports


These are just a few popular trends with weddings in the fall. Florist, what trend is popular in your area? Please share below any trends or tips we did not mention for our readers.


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Floranext makes great florist software. Florist websites, floral POS, florist wedding/event proposal software, and florist technology. Let us know if you want a free demo or try our software for free here.